2014 / 2015 GRANTS

All Abilities Mackay

All Abilities Mackay received a grant for $7,600.

Mackay Advocacy Inc.

Mackay Advocacy Inc. received a grant for $4,062.80.

Kalyan Youth Services

Kalyan Youth Services received a grant for $5,000.

HTM Community Transport Inc.

HTM Community Transport Inc. received a grant for $6,000.


Headspace received a grant for $2,240.


Anglicare received a grant for $10,000.

George Street Neighbourhood Centre Association

George Street Neighbourhood Centre Association received a grant for $6,600.

Community Accommodation & Support Association

Community Accommodation & Support Association received a grant for $2,000.

2015 FRRR Sidney Myer ‘Back to School’  Program

Our 2015 Back to School program was an outstanding success, delivering much needed support in the form of  school supplies to families in need. With funding from DBCT, the Stan and Maureen Duke Foundation, Carroll’s Newsagency and Uniform Solutions,  we were able to distribute 600 $50 Carrolls News vouchers and 100 $50 Uniform Solutions vouchers as part of the DBCT “Back to School in Uniform”program to 36 schools throughout the region. Gauging from the comments provided by the participating  schools in our program evaluation, the ‘Back to School’  program is very much appreciated with noted benefits for individual students, families & teachers.