2023 / 2024 GRANTS

Central Queensland University – UniCare MCF Emergency Grant $5,000

The CQUniCares Mackay Community Foundation Emergency Grants will aim to support CQUniversity students in the Mackay Region pursuing VET and higher education by providing emergency financial assistance to those who face unexpected crises that could hinder their studies. The project aims to address the identified need for support among Mackay’s student population by offering these grants, which will help students stay enrolled and continue studying despite any financial crisis they may face.

Kidney Support Network – Business System for Community Opportunity Shops Grant $7,997

To assist in funding our renal patient transport service, KSN operates Community Op Shops. 2 updated modern Point of Sales (POS) machines will be purchased with this grant to replace the older style cash registers in two of the opportunity shops. The POS machines will allow daily sales to be recorded directly to main office. This will allow better support for volunteers remotely when experiencing problems and additional retail skills. KSN will also be able to provide new skills to those on placement from job agency networks, likely increasing chances of securing paid employment.

Ronald McDonald House Charities North Aust. – Learning Program Grant $12,000

The grant will cover the costs of 40 hours of tutoring for 5 local Mackay students (200 hours). The aim is that each student has improved numeracy and literacy skills and to make the journey back to school as smooth as possible. These children will have missed a large amount of schooling due to cancer treatment. This tutoring will provide a much-needed boost to their confidence and self-esteem.

The Neighbourhood Hub – Hello Baby! A supported group for Mums & Bubs Grant $10,000

Hello Baby! is a weekly social support group for new Mums with babies from birth to 6 months of age to access support, information and support social connections. Each School term a new group of approx. 15 Mums and Bubs register for the 10 week period (total of 60 new mothers for the 1-year duration) Funding is to pay for external providers to assist with program, i.e. Deb Rae, Learn to Grow Occupational Therapy, Jody Walker Naturopathy, Womans Health Physio, Playful Possibilities, House of She.

Crossroad Arts – Loose Ends Grant $15,000

Grant will fund the venue hire, artist’s, artist support, auslan interpreter for the Loose Ends Event. LOOSE ENDS is part of celebrations for International Day for People with Disability. LOOSE ENDS is a crowd favourite event and a fantastic way to close off a year of creativity in a fun and kooky way. LOOSE ENDS was initiated in 2018 to address the gap for inclusive night-time activities in the CBD for young people with disability. It was also designed to be a place for people to socialise, be entertained and have opportunities to meet new and different people. The evening features performances from Strictly Wheelchair Dance Group, With One Voice Choir, Choir of Unheard Voices, Groove Movers, live painters, poets and Crossroad Arts performers. For many groups the LOOSE ENDS evening is an event to work towards to celebrate diversity, access and inclusion.

CASA – Homeless Expo 2024 Grant $19,948

The Mackay Homeless Expo is an initiative designed to address homelessness within the community. It aims to provide immediate support to homeless individuals, raise awareness about homelessness and implement long-term solutions to alleviate the issue. This grant has funded the supply of set-up costs of the Expo and packages, such as food, hygiene items etc for the homeless.

CQU – U-Beach Grant $20,000

The project aims to transfer beach access and inclusion for children, youth, and adults with disability in the region. Firstly, completing an accessibility audit with Accessible Beaches Australia. Following their recommendations, they will purchase a range of specialised beach mobility equipment & launch it for community use with an award-winning U-Beach Community Beach Day.

Share the Dignity Ltd – Dignity Vending Machines Grant $20,000

To fund the stock of 2 Dignity Vending Machines (DVM) in Mackay for 2 years. Provides Period Products – dispenses 5 packs an hour or 120 packs a day (43,800/year) Each costs $5,000 per annum. DVM’s will be positioned at The Neighbourhood Hub and CASA.

Australian Street Aid Project Ltd (Chances House) – Medical Clinic Grant $41,095

This project will be funding a transportable building (12mx3m) required next to Chances House and equipment to set up a medical clinic. This will allow the homeless to get free medical care with the help of volunteers and a current onsite nurse.