We appreciate and value your support of the local community. A key way to help local people and projects is to give a cash donation and build our capital fund. As the fund grows we are able to make greater distributions, and your donation starts giving to the Mackay community now and for the years to come.
Follow the links below to make a donation. There are additional means of assistance that you could provide to the Foundation including:
- In-kind donations of services or goods
- Provide funding towards the administration costs of the Foundation
- Donate suitable items to auction at our annual charity lunch
- Sponsorship of fundraising events or organize your own Foundation fundraising event
- Promote your support of the Foundation to your employees and others
- Set up an employee match giving program
Electronic Transfer (direct deposit) details are as follows:
BSB: 182512
Account: 960101301
Account Name: Mackay Foundation Ltd
Please advise The Mackay Foundation of your contribution by emailing admin@mackayfoundation.com.au